My SuperHero Foods Hardcover
My SuperHero Foods Hardcover
My SuperHero Foods is a one-of-a-kind book that will stimulate your children’s curiosities about healthy eating. They’ll learn the super powers they’ll gain from eating broccoli, carrots, salmon, almonds, and much more as they join Ethan and Sophie on a fun super power packed day!
Ethan and Sophie are siblings who love to eat healthy SuperHero foods. These SuperHero foods give them more energy. They help them jump higher, run faster, and think better.
And now you can join Ethan and Sophie for a day of healthy eating and activities. You’ll make breakfast, pick home grown vegetables, do yoga, and go for a hike with SuperHero foods by your side. Ethan and Sophie will teach you the benefits of SuperHero foods and motivate you to eat them so that you can have super powers too.
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